The answer to this question is easy right? Reality has to be better. What is real is real, and what is perceived might not be real. Now wait just a minute. Don't get ahead of me. It used to be the person or company that had the best products or the best pricing made the most money.
Currently there seems to be a shift in the way people are thinking. With the growing popularity of the Internet, perception is gaining over reality. When you want information today, do you go to the newspaper, or to the yellow pages? I don't. When I want to find out something about a person or company, or product I go to the Internet. To be more specific, I go to Google and search for it. When I get the search results, I look at the top three or four listings. The listings on the first page of Google are perceived to be the best.
How many of you ever get past the first page on a Google search? I am willing to bet not very many. Am I right? That's what I thought. Nobody goes to page Forty Five and clicks on those listings. Why? Because listings on page one are perceived to be the best!
If you want to make the BIG money today, you have to be on that first page. Does that make sense to you?
So how do you get on page one? Good question. You can spend a lot of time with SEO, and tons of money on Pay Per Click. For some, this is just too much work. Takes too much time, and or money. I can relate to all of that.
There is however a great way to get yourself on that first page. Actually I know of a way to get your listing on the very TOP of page one! Yes that's what i said. And it's only $9.95 a month! If you would like more information on this, just go to Google search and put in my name(Kurt Mitchell). I will be the Kurt Mitchell on the very top of the first page. Click on my listing and read my bio. At the bottom of my bio are instructions on how to sign up for this fabulous service.
So to answer the question about perception or reality being the best. Perception Wins.