Friday, May 30, 2008

One step forward: Two steps back for Tolerance.

What is happening to our culture is of great concern to me this morning. Every day on the news there is at least one example of the regression of our general population. The news story today that prompted me to write is about a young boy with autism. He was “voted out" of his kindergarten class by the other students. The vote that took place was actually the suggestion of the class teacher!

Did I miss something here? Did we forget about our promises we made to the parents of these children? I understood that the “mainstreaming” of students was proving to be in the best interest of the autistic child. I do realize that children with disabilities or special needs can be disruptive to class at times. Our teachers need to have some tolerance and understanding when dealing with these students.

What does this action say to the other students in that class? To me it says only one thing. We as adults tell our children to show kindness, consideration, and understanding to others who may have special needs. But when it comes down to actually practice what we preach, we are failing miserably. As soon as this teacher suggested the vote, it told the students that the autistic child was somehow not as valuable as the rest of the class. This single action shows how prejudice some people/teachers still are.

We have made the commitment to bring our special needs students into mainstream class rooms. We now need to make sure that our teachers are properly trained in handling this sort of situation. We try to take our culture a step forward by providing all we can for these students. When the people who are supposed to be in charge act in this manner, it can only be counter productive for the other students. So instead of taking the right step forward, we took a couple of steps back today!!

Thursday, May 15, 2008

How My VM Team uses a WIKI for their social network marketing team.

As an Elite member of My VM Team I found this video on how to utilize a "wiki" very helpful. We use a wetpaint wiki for My VM Team instructional videos on many different subjects. Any member of our social network marketing team can go to the wiki to learn the lessons that are provided there. Each member has the ability to add to or change the content of the wiki. This video by Karl Ortenburg should give you several ideas on how to use a wiki.

Kurt Mitchell/go ahead and google me!

Monday, May 12, 2008

Brian Campbell called Kurt Mitchell On Mothers Day!!

Kate and I were attending a graduation reception for one of our good friend’s daughters when my cell phone rang. The caller ID did not let me know who it was calling me on Mothers Day! It said "unknown caller" so I thought it might just be someone spamming me on my phone. I answered the call thinking I would just be polite and hang up. Instead of hanging up I ended up on the phone for quite some time. It was none other than Brian Campbell on the phone! Now if you don't know who Brian Campbell is, chances are you don't have a facebook account. Brian is famous on facebook now for his very public announcement that he is going to show us all how to make $10,000 in 37 days just from his contacts on facebook. I was lucky enough to be one of the first 1000 to sign up for his 3 1/2 hour video course he launched this weekend. After watching his video series I was eager to enroll in his program so I signed up. Brian was calling me to welcome me and to thank me for enrolling. As I was driving home that evening I was still thinking about how awesome it was for him to take the time to call me personally. Now I wonder if he called all the people who signed up, of did he think I was someone special. I like to think the latter. Come join my facebook group, and invite all your friends also.

Kurt Mitchell/google me

Friday, May 9, 2008

Supercharge Your Business to Millions!

I thought this was great information on how to get your business to the "Big Time". You have to look at things in a new way, you have to be different. "You Have To Stand Up Before You Can Stand Out"Gary Vaynerchuk gives his tips for success and explains how to supercharge your business. See how Laurie Feltheimer and Scott-Vincent Borba executed these ideas in reality.

Thanks to Deborah Micek(CoachDeb)on twitter for the link to this great info.

Friday, May 2, 2008

Like trying to sell ice cubes to an Eskimo

I would like to talk about something that I have been thinking about for over a week now. I need to back up and fill you in on what has been happening in my life. I recently became a member of a brand new concept on the Internet for free advertising.

It is an awesome program where you advertise for free and you can get paid rebates back to your account. They use a rotator to advertise all the URL’s of the members, and then you surf daily on the rotator to become eligible for the rebates.

Now here is where I think some members are wasting there time. Some of the members are advertising to join the very rotator system that they are already a member of. Any people who are using the rotator to advertise are already members. How else would they know it was even there? Now this is like trying to sell ice to an Eskimo. They are all aware of the concept.

I think they would have more success with the rotator system advertising something other than the rotator. If only to get some new sites up with potential to make money. When I do my daily surf sessions, about 33% of the sites I see are for the same thing. And that same thing is the very rotator that we are all using. Am I the only one who thinks this is counter productive? I welcome your comments.
Kurt Mitchell/google me