Monday, May 12, 2008

Brian Campbell called Kurt Mitchell On Mothers Day!!

Kate and I were attending a graduation reception for one of our good friend’s daughters when my cell phone rang. The caller ID did not let me know who it was calling me on Mothers Day! It said "unknown caller" so I thought it might just be someone spamming me on my phone. I answered the call thinking I would just be polite and hang up. Instead of hanging up I ended up on the phone for quite some time. It was none other than Brian Campbell on the phone! Now if you don't know who Brian Campbell is, chances are you don't have a facebook account. Brian is famous on facebook now for his very public announcement that he is going to show us all how to make $10,000 in 37 days just from his contacts on facebook. I was lucky enough to be one of the first 1000 to sign up for his 3 1/2 hour video course he launched this weekend. After watching his video series I was eager to enroll in his program so I signed up. Brian was calling me to welcome me and to thank me for enrolling. As I was driving home that evening I was still thinking about how awesome it was for him to take the time to call me personally. Now I wonder if he called all the people who signed up, of did he think I was someone special. I like to think the latter. Come join my facebook group, and invite all your friends also.

Kurt Mitchell/google me


Google Me said...

Outstanding Kurt!!! I am going to sign up for his video series as well.

Kurt Mitchell said...

Great Jim, we will learn together.

Anonymous said...

People should read this.